The Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship, or “VCPR,” is the Holy Grail of the practice of veterinary medicine. Business and Professions Code section
Because Cal/OSHA requires a written plan, you are required to print the plan.
The law mandates that you revisit and/or update your plan at least annually, but the plan should be updated whenever any changes to your plan are made.
The CVMA Guide to Cal/OSHA Compliance records the last date that you logged into your plan and automatically prints the date in the footer of your printed plan.
You will not be able to print your plan until all of the sections of the guide have been completed. Under the “My Guide” section, all check marks in the left hand column must show green. For any that are not, please access those sections and complete any necessary information. Once all check marks are green, the “Print My Plan” button at the top of the Table of Contents page will allow you to print.
In the Table of Contents there is a red button called “Reset Guide”. By selecting this button, you will reset all of the policy statements to their original formats. Any edits that you make to the existing statements, additional statements that you add in, or deletions will be reset after you verify that you want to reset your Guide. The practice and chapter information that you have entered will not be lost.
In individual policy sections, you will see a “Reset Tool” red button. This button will only reset the policy statements for the section that you are in.
In the bottom left hand corner of each page in the footer.
If you have recently purchased your guide, please allow up to five days before trying to access the guide. If is has been longer than five days, please contact the CVMA at staff@cvma.net or by calling 800.655.2862.
Hazardous substance lists are best formulated by inventorying items in your practice. A hazardous substance is one that poses one of the following hazardous effects: acute toxicity (any route of exposure); skin corrosion or irritation; serious eye damage or eye irritation; respiratory or skin sensitization; germ cell mutagenicity; carcinogenicity; reproductive toxicity; specific target organ toxicity (single or repeated exposure); or aspiration hazard. A complete list of all Cal/OSHA hazardous substances can be accessed at: https://www.dir.ca.gov/title8/339.html.
In the right hand column of any page, click on the “Download Additional Forms” link.
No, separate coordinators are not required. It is possible for one person to coordinate all program requirements.
No, alternate coordinators are not required.
The plan should be kept in a designated location that is accessible and known to all employees. Employees should be able to access the plan to review it on an ongoing basis.
The “Implementation”, “Training”, and “Recordkeeping” sections in the navigation bar at the top of the page take you through step-by-step requirements now that you have a plan in hand.
Visit cvma-inline.net and click on “Regulatory Compliance”. In the lower right-hand section of the page there is a “Resources” box. Select “Cal-OSHA” for more information.
View and print a sample of the CVMA Cal/OSHA Safety Plan
The Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship, or “VCPR,” is the Holy Grail of the practice of veterinary medicine. Business and Professions Code section
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